Des Moines

Giant Garden Trowel
Giant Garden Trowel

10. Giant Garden Trowel

9. Better Homes and Gardens Test Garden

Terrace Hill
Terrace Hill, Des Moines, Iowa

8. Terrace Hill – Historic Governor’s Mansion

7. Des Moines Art Center

Polk County Courthouse
Polk County Courthouse

6. Polk County Courthouse

5. Iowa Women of Achievement Bridge

John and Mary Pappajohn Sculpture Park
John and Mary Pappajohn Sculpture Park, Des Moines, Iowa

4. John and Mary Pappajohn Sculpture Park

Iowa State Capitol
Iowa State Capitol

3. Iowa State Capitol

Polk County Courthouse, Court Street, Des Moines
Polk County Courthouse, Court Street, Des Moines

2. Court Street – Downtown Farmers Market (in front of the Polk County Courthouse)

1. Iowa State Fairgrounds